Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Today's Vocabulary Booster: Impotence

Whenever Jesus' General takes the lead in improving the educational status of the United States, I like to get in line.

Today's vocabulary-building word is impotence.

Now, while it's our aim here to not only improve your vocabulary (did I say that impotence is our word of the day?), we also want to inform those of you who might be suffering from impotence. Impotence can be a debilitating affliction for today's need-to-be-strong males. I'm not aware that impotence is much of a female condition, but considering that male impotence might very well affect females, it's critical that they learn about impotence -- male impotence, in particular.

Impotence can be treated. Impotence must be defeated. Impotence is our enemy.

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