Saturday, June 12, 2004

The Bush Arrogance

George W. Bush lives in such a fantasy world -- one in which he simply can't see past the nose (which seems to get longer by the day, by the way) on his face. Last week, he met with French President Jacques Chirac while in France for the D-Day ceremonies, so -- given our strained relations with France since Bush's slapdown in the wake of their refusal to support the attack of Iraq -- the press inquired about their tete a tete.

From Time:

When Bush was asked if he would offer Chirac a coveted invitation to his Texas ranch, the President seemed hesitant. "If he wants to come and see some cows, he's welcome to come out there," he told the French magazine Paris Match. Chirac, a former agriculture minister, was just as cool in an NBC interview. "I myself am from a region," he noted, "where we raise cows — probably the most beautiful and best in the world."


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