Sunday, June 13, 2004

Hate Mail

I've touched upon Ted Rall's recent column about Reagan and the dressing down he received last week on Fox's Hannity & Colmes, and I wondered what -- if anything -- the Sean Hannitys and Rush Limbaughs contribute to the political landscape. I wondered what they contribute to anything other than their pockets, Fox's (read: Rupert Murdoch's) and those of their advertisers.

After checking out Rall's blog this evening, I found out what they contribute to the American landscape: hate mail.

I simply can't understand how any even remotely responsible advertising executive can continue to buy advertising time on these shows, which continually encourage this type of vile, vicious, venomous, vindictive and (in many cases) villainous behavior.

While it's likely (I hope) that these types of threats are idle ones, there is always the possibility that one of these poor, misled, undereducated creeps will act out. Aside from the fact that these programs lead to vengeful reprisals such as these, they also contribute, sadly, to the withering, degenerating intelligence of young people who have come to believe that verbal abuse is considered proper dialogue; acceptable debate.

Certainly, the producers (as well as the principals) of the shows know what they're doing.


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