Monday, June 21, 2004

Proud To Be Irish

What stirs the Irish blood in me?

Sometimes it's the lonely lilt of a pennywhistle. Sometimes it's the bouncy beat of a set of reels. Sometimes it's the ravishing red ringlets of a fair-skinned lass. Sometimes... it's a wild, wooly welcome!

Those Irish eyes not smiling at Bush

Even the Irish are hopping onto the anti-American bandwagon these days, the Boston Globe reports: "[N]ext Friday, when George W. Bush touches down at Shannon Airport for a United States-European Union summit, many Irish people are expected to give him their equivalent of a Bronx cheer instead of the traditional cead mile failte, or a hundred thousand welcomes. There were about 10,000 demonstrators when Reagan visited Ireland; Irish police say they are preparing for at least 10 times that number next week."

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