Friday, June 04, 2004


I think Billmon has a great idea...

Game Time

If attacking Kerry because he "looks French" was silly, this is silliness turned into a form of political dementia:

The Bush-Cheney campaign this week stepped up its assault on Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) for being a rich guy. No, make that for being a really, really rich guy. "Most Americans can't afford yachts, private planes, thousand dollar haircuts or homes in Nantucket," Republican National Committee spokesman Jim Dyke said in a news release announcing a new video game on the RNC Web site. The game is called Kerryopoly. It's similar to Monopoly, but the properties belong to the Kerry family.

Actually, Kerry isn't the one with all the dough, it's his wife - the widow of the late Republican Senator and ketchup heir John Heinz. I guess Kerry's real crime, from a Bush family point of view, was marrying above his station - and, of course, vacationing in Nantucket, as opposed to someplace earthy and down home and full of regular folks, like, say, Kennebunkport.

But I like the idea of creating a game to match each candidate's personal history. You could easily design one called Bushopoly - all players would start with a $1 million trust fund, but would still end up in bankruptcy after the first turn. Then the bank would pay off all their mortgages and give them each a $100,000, interest-free loan.

Or you could have Cheneyopoly - each time you landed on one of the ultilities, you'd get a $10 million bonus and an unlimited get-out-of-jail-free card.

Or how about a special Middle Eastern edition of Risk - let's call it "Insane Risk" - in which the players try to invade and conquer the region's major oil producing nations?

Oh wait, the Republicans have already created one of those...

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