Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sometimes I Lie Awake At Night

Sometimes I Lie Awake At Night
Sometimes I Lie Awake At Night © Patrick T. Power
It's not all that often that I have trouble sleeping, but last night (this morning) I did. I've had a cold for the last few days, and while it's on the wane, I was subjected to major coughing fits for most of the time I lay in bed.

Of course, at such times, thoughts conspire with the scratchy throat and before long, I'm taking a photograph of the shadows on my ceiling cast by the crabapple tree outside my bedroom window. Since I was awake, I just had to upload it to flickr.

It's almost dawn as I type this and I think I'm going to go out for a walk, get some cold air in me and come home and go back to bed.