Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Susan Sontag

Susan Sontag
Susan Sontag
I'm saddened to hear that Susan Sontag died... While I didn't read much of her work, I own one of her books – On Photography – which Sontag described as "a progress of essays about the meaning and career of photographs."

It seems to me that Sontag has taken a lot of flack over the years for her writing, but I found On Photography wonderful – engaging, insightful and inspiring.

James Wolcott so eloquently writes:

"One by one the lights go out. First, Edward Said and now Susan Sontag, dead at 71. Both were engaged intellectuals and cosmopolitan sensibilities, committed to art and justice with consciences that seldom slept, and with their loss the cultural life of the city becomes even more pallid and gray."

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