Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Monstrosity

A new press box/luxury suite section is being added to Michigan State University's Spartan Stadium.

I call it The Monstrosity.

In the meantime, the state cuts to the arts (50%), the state's general funding cuts to University (7% to 10%), and the University's cuts to the Museum's general operating budget (30% to 50%) has eliminated a number of jobs (mine included) and has reduced the Museum's staff to what is near bare-bones. They can afford only a half-time development officer, whose hands are tied when it comes to soliciting funds from alumni and other University donors.

$60 million (wanna bet on overruns?) for this thing. That amount would fund 120 years worth of the project I work on—the Great Lakes Folk Festival.

Bitter? Me? Never!

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