Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Protesting Immoral Values

A Cleveland architectural firm -- The D.H. Ellison Company -- has decided to protest the immoral values of the miserable failure's administration by publicly stating its opposition in an ad in the Cleveland Free TImes.

Dear Friends and Associates:

As a result of the recent elections we are reviewing all of our business relationships. We are asking for your cooperation and help.

Many of you may be familiar with our committment to peace and non-violence, anti-nuclearism, ecology, and social justice. If you are, you will understand the importance that these moral values hold for us and how these values are betrayed by the extremist policies and candidates recently empowered by the electorate of our nation and our state.

Turning our commitment to these values into tangible resistance becomes equally important given the overwhelming influence of the propaganda machines of corporatism and organized religious cults.

After careful consideration and with understanding of the possible consequences, our decision is to limit commerce with supporters of the current administration and their fear-mongering, radical right-wing agenda.

While we as Americans are free to speak and hold our beliefs, we are also free to choose with whom we are willing to trade.

It is our intention to actively direct as much of our business away from the right wing as possible. At the same time, we welcome the opportunity to establish new relationships with progressively minded interests.

Please join us in these efforts.

D.H. Ellison

War protestors and reasonable, humane people everywhere... support this business!

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