Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A Good Laugh

Lest you live under a rock, you're aware that there is a movement afoot for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to allow naturalized U.S. Citizens to become eligible for election to the Presidency. (Ew! Clumsy sentence... oh, well)

I came across a website which is promoting the idea and found this little nugget:

Look for us on "The CBS Early Show" Tuesday morning. And we are SO grateful to those of you who have donated!
Yesterday we appeared on
CNN's Inside Politics
CNN Headline News
CNN with Paula Zahn
MSBNC with Deborah Norville

It's been exhausting and exhilarating because the press' job is to grill us, and we don't want to goof.

Isn't that rich?!? Since when does the press grill anyone anymore?

I can see it now...

Mr. President, you stated our reason for attacking Iraq was to rid Saddam Hussein of his weapons of mass destruction; then you claimed it was to remove an evil dictator; then you claimed it was to spread freedom; then you said it was to protect America from terrorists. Along the way, you also called John Kerry a flip-flopper with regard to his stance on the war even though his position -- while not communicated all that well -- has been consistent from the very beginning.

How is it that you have the gall to call him a flip-flopper?

While we're on the subject of Iraq, why haven't you attended a single funeral of the over 1100 (then) American military personnel killed in the war?

Also... at what point does "Mission Accomplished" actually mean "Mission Accomplished"?

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