History's Course
We all know how our romantic relationships affect our daily lives -- our decisions, our choices, our eating habits... Have you ever wondered how a past flame might have affected the course of history had he or she lived at an earlier time?
From The Banterist...
How Past Girlfriends Could Have Changed History
Adolf Hitler
Tammy wouldn't like Hitler's sense of humor and would give him a frowny face every time he told a joke. He would invite her to his parades and she'd tell him the goose-stepping looked "gay" and that she "didn't get" the swastika. This would undermine his confidence and make it harder for him to retain an iron grip on power. "I don't know what you see in that Goebbels," she'd say. "He seems like kind of a loser." Her constant criticisms would result in Hitler and Goebbels not hanging out as much. As a result, Nazi propaganda would suffer. Tammy would also insist that they forgo his favorite watering holes and instead go to places she likes. The putsch would then happen at a tacky folk-music bar with her ex-boyfriend playing guitar. Most of Hitler's friends wouldn't have shown up, because they couldn't stand the constant arguing. In the middle of their relationship, Tammy would tell Hitler she was going on a trip with some guy she worked with. With Hitler's self-esteem in the gutter, he'd lack the support and influence necessary to invade Poland and start World War II. Eventually, he'd break up with Tammy and call Himmler, whom he'd blown off for two years.
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