Wednesday, August 25, 2004

More Bush Lies

I have a feeling that George Bush will rue the day he decided that the Swift Boat Liars For Bush was a good idea.

From Sirotablog...

Bush Lied About His Military Service

There is no more debate about it - we now know Bush deliberately falsified and lied about his own military service:

BUSH TOOK OUT AD LYING ABOUT HIS MILITARY SERVICE: "A pullout ad from The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal of May 4, 1978, shows a huge picture of Bush with a 'Bush for Congress' logo on the front. On the back, a synopsis of his career says he served 'in the U.S. Air Force and the Texas Air National Guard where he piloted the F-102 aircraft.'" [Source: AP, 7/14/99]

BUSH INSISTED THAT HIS LIE WAS TRUE: When confronted with questions about why he lied about serving in the Air Force, Bush claimed "The facts are I served 600 days in the Air Force." That is not true. Bush served stateside in the Texas Air National Guard, not the Air Force. [Source: AP, 7/13/99]

AIRFORCE CORROBORATES BUSH'S LIE: Bush served stateside in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. The Air Force says that "Air National Guard members are considered 'guardsmen on active duty' while receiving pilot training. They are not, however, counted as members of the overall active-duty Air Force." [Source: AP, 7/14/99]

And let's not leave out the Bush minions that aren't campaigning for him...

CLAIM vs. FACT: Snow & Campaign Activity

"[Treasury Secretary John Snow] is not engaged in campaign activity, and that hasn't changed." (U.S. Treasury Department spokesman, 8/24/04)

"U.S. Treasury Secretary John W. Snow will visit Grand Rapids, Michigan on Friday, August 27 to meet with local business leaders and discuss the President's efforts to strengthen the economy and create jobs." (U.S. Treasury press release, 8/25/04)

"Snow has touted the benefits of the administration's tax cuts and economic policy during visits to 21 states so far this year…Of the 21 states Snow has visited, 13 have been 'battleground' states that were among the most closely split between Bush and former Vice President Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election. (Dow Jones Newswires, 8/24/04)

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