Monday, July 12, 2004

Running From His Base, Bush Gets Caught In Rundown

In order to appear more palatable to the voting public, the Republican National Convention everyone will see on television will lack a very prominent face -- its right wing conservative base. Bush's base isn't very happy about it... kind of a "walk the talk" thing.

Social Conservatives Want More of Their Own to Speak at the G.O.P. Convention
By David D. Kirkpatrick
July 12, 2004

Some prominent conservatives say they are upset at the apparent exclusion of the champions of their favorite issues from the limelight of the Republican convention in favor of more moderate members of the party.

Conservatives said they were surprised to see former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and Senator John McCain of Arizona - all moderate Republicans who oppose the proposed constitutional amendment blocking same-sex marriage - given high-profile roles at the convention, with few conservative Republicans on the list.

"I hate to say it, but the conservatives, for the most part, are not excited about re-electing the president," warned Paul Weyrich, the longtime Christian conservative organizer, in an e-mail newsletter on Friday. "If the president is embarrassed to be seen with conservatives at the convention, maybe conservatives will be embarrassed to be seen with the president on Election Day."

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