Sunday, July 11, 2004

Betsy DeVos' Blatherings

Isn't this rich?!?

Last night, at a star-studded fundraiser for John Kerry, a Hollywood actress quoted a bumper sticker that she had seen previously. It read: "Defend America. Defeat Bush."

It’s a shame that Kerry’s Hollywood buddies didn’t watch "Larry King Live" just a few hours earlier. If they had, they would have discovered that John Kerry had neither the interest nor the time to defend America.

He said so himself. Kerry: "I just haven’t had time" to read the national security and terrorism briefing offered to him by the Bush administration.

John Kerry did have time, however, to attend both that Larry King taping and the fundraiser (where Kerry’s Hollywood supporters, who he called the "heart and soul" of America, compared our President’s intelligence to an "egg-timer," no less).

The transcript of the interview:

LARRY KING: Let's get to, first thing's first, news of the day. Tom Ridge warned today about al Qaeda plans of a large-scale attack on the United States, didn't increase the -- do you see any politics in this? What's your reaction?

JOHN KERRY: Well, I haven't been briefed yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me; I just haven't had time. But all Americans are united in our efforts to defeat terrorism.

I believe that John Edwards and I can wage a far more effective war on terror than George Bush has. I think we can do a better job of making America safe. But in these days ahead, we all join together no matter what.

KING: So, you don't question the timing of this? Some are.

KERRY: It's not for me to do. I think that what's important is for the terrorists to understand that I and John Edwards will wage, using every tool available to us, the most effective war possible against terrorism.

KING: When do you get...

KERRY: And they -- the American people are going to decide this race, not terrorists. And they need to know that.

KING: When do you -- when do you get your briefing?

KERRY: We're arranging it. It's at the end of the week I'll get it.

KING: Should be pretty soon.

KERRY: I think it's tomorrow or the next day.

He didn't have the brief yet!! Jaysus!

Okay, Betsy... time to crawl back under W's desk...

Fortunately, our President understands that his job comes first and his campaign comes second. Our safety and security depend on it. We live in a dangerous world and though never safe, we are safer thanks to President Bush’s leadership. The proof: there hasn’t been another terrorist attack in America since that horrible day in September almost three years ago.

John Kerry should be elated that President Bush is in the White House; after all, the President is watching out for everyone’s security, including the Senator from Massachusetts.

Yup... Leadership. Elation!

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