Monday, July 12, 2004

Betsy DeVos The Parrot

From the "Got Conservative Values?" Talking Points (PDF) at the Michigan GOP site:

John Kerry's Priorities…

Kerry Says He Didn't Have Time To Be Briefed on Terrorist Threats, Yet He Made Time to Attend a Hollywood Celebrity Bush-Bashing.

When asked about al Qaeda plans of large-scale attack on the U.S., Kerry responded: "Well, I haven't been briefed yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me. I just haven't had time." (Larry King Live, CNN, 7/8/04)

From Betsy's Blog (9 July 2004):


Last night, at a star-studded fundraiser for John Kerry, a Hollywood actress quoted a bumper sticker that she had seen previously. It read: "Defend America. Defeat Bush."

It's a shame that Kerry's Hollywood buddies didn't watch Larry King Live just a few hours earlier. If they had, they would have discovered that John Kerry had neither the interest nor the time to defend America.

He said so himself. Kerry: "I just haven't had time" to read the national security and terrorism briefing offered to him by the Bush administration.

John Kerry did have time, however, to attend both that Larry King taping and the fundraiser (where Kerry’s Hollywood supporters, who he called the "heart and soul" of America, compared our President’s intelligence to an "egg-timer," no less).

The transcript of the interview reveals that Kerry had yet to receive the brief by the time he talked to King.

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