Friday, July 09, 2004


Ridge: Al-Qaeda may be poised to attack in U.S.

Above is the headline at Yahoo! News for a story in today's USA Today.

Remind you of anything?

Perhaps a certain Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB)?

I sure hope that someone in the Bush administration tells him about the "threat" since he's not apt to read about it!

What I wonder about is the purpose for these press conferences. Do they really serve a useful purpose? I mean, what are we supposed to do as a result? Look under our beds for Osama bin Laden? If these threats are to be taken seriously, wouldn't Ridge be able to inform us by way of a press release? There were no specific details given about these "threats" that a press conference was going to shed further light on, so what's up?

Why the theatre?

I have a question for Richard Clarke: If a credible threat exists, does it not benefit the people of the United States if the CIA, FBI and anti-terrorism personnel simply do their jobs to avert disaster?

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