Friday, July 02, 2004

Betsy DeVos In Love

You know, I'd swear she types these things out from under the desk in the Oval Office!

Our President is a man with a clear vision - a vision we all saw displayed in 3 simple words: "Let freedom reign!" We have a President who understands that those who collaborate with, those who harbor, those who support terror and terrorists should not and cannot be leaders of nations. And President Bush doesn’t simply know these things, he acts decisively on them. And the world it [sic] better off because of those actions. The only people arguing against that today are Saddam Hussein, the tyrant, and his band of crooks, the terrorists.


Anonymous said...

If you would care to read a truly patriotic and Christian article, Yahoo or Google "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right." A great read that everyone should reprint and share! Clara

patrick said...

OK... I published your lame comment, "Clara."

Contrary to what you imply and what the "article" states, most, if not all, of the people whose quotes were used were liberals. This nation was founded on liberalism by those who sought religious freedom. They didn't seek a government run by religious nutbags, or by people such as Bush who pretends to be Christian.

He is not.

He has committed nothing short of mass murder and people such as yourself think nothing of it.

There is nothing inherently wrong in being religious. Misguided, perhaps, but not wrong. You're just another person who has been duped into believing in a god that does not exist. You care more about the lame notion of an all-impotent being than you do about the human beings your so-called Christian president has so carelessly, recklessly wiped off the face of the earth.