Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tell ABC To Tell The Truth About 9/11

On September 10 and 11, ABC Television is planning to air a program called The Path to 9/11. Though ABC claims that the program is based on the facts, the truth is that it distorts the facts and the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission. The ABC program, written by avowed conservative Cyrus Nowrasteh, goes out of its way to place blame on the Clinton administration for 9/11 and whitewash the failures of the Bush administration.

They've just made shit up!

Please help do something about it.

Visit this website and send a message to ABC... a form letter has been prepared which reads:

Robert A. Iger
President and CEO, The Walt Disney Company

Dear Mr. Iger:

It has come to my attention that ABC plans to air a two-part mini-series called "The Path to 9/11" on September 10 and September 11. Accounts of advance screenings indicate that this program places primary responsibility for the attacks of 9/11 on the Clinton administration while whitewashing the failures of the Bush administration. This assertion is not supported by the 9/11 Commission Report upon which the program is purportedly based. This partisan misrepresentation of history is not surprising given that the movie was written by Cyrus Nowrasteh, an avowed conservative.

It is wrong for ABC to play politics with the facts of 9/11 by providing a national platform to present his distorted view of history. I am unwilling to whitewash the truth. The events that led to 9/11 are important topics for discussion and debate. But it's a debate that must be conducted honestly.

I am asking ABC to either fix the many inaccuracies contained in the program - or to not air it.

I would appreciate a prompt reply to my e-mail.

If you are interested in creating your own letter, here are some questions you might ask:

• Why, if this is a non-partisan project, is only the Republican (Thomas Kean) co-chair of the 9/11 Commission being asked to front this project? Why was the Commission's other co-chair (Richard Ben-Veniste) not consulted?

• Why were many of the principals of this film, like Richard Clarke, not shown relevant scenes from the movie early on, so that research and scenes could be vetted--and corrected, if misrepresented?

• Why did you provide the movie to only right-wing bloggers and mainstream media in your advance outreach for this project, and not to left-wing bloggers and media?

• Was it the network's or the PR firm's idea to reach out in advance only to right-wing blogs, and to exclude left-wing blogs?

• If you were truly intending to provide a non-partisan public service to the American public, why not produce and air a true documentary actually based on the 9/11 Commission Report and vetted by both Democrats and Republicans?

• Did you know about Cyrus Nowrasteh's and David Cunningham's extreme conservative views?

• Will you consider pulling scenes proven to be false?

• Will you consider removing the "based on the 9/11 Commission Report" imprimatur from promotional materials, and from the miniseries itself on the air dates?

• Will you consider giving Richard Clarke and/or prominent Democrats, who disagree with this airbrushing of the 9/11 story, the opportunity to point out the movies flaws on network time?

• Will ABC News report on the controversy over this project in the one-hour news special scheduled to air on September 11, following the movie?

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