Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Question

Yes, The Rude Pundit's, well, rude... yes, he's foul-mouthed... yes, he's anything but censored. But generally, he's right.

I was going to post something last week about what he wrote concerning New Orleans and the state of that city since last year's onslaught of Katrina, but I let it slip by as I have so many things this past eighteen months or so. I was moved by what he wrote concerning the prospects so many people who lost their homes face now and in the years to come. Read it here.

Similarly, today, in the wake of the baloneymeister's recent PR blitz to drum up support for his debacle, he cuts through the nonsense — like no other — to get at what is really being said by our thief/liar/murderer-in-chief, as well as to distill everything that this country has been struggling with for the past six bloody years down to one question.

And between the praise of torture (no matter what Bush calls it), the dismissing of the American justice system, and the vow to continue all of it, the Rude Pundit is left with this question: exactly what country are we fighting for? Because it's become appallingly clear that it sure as hell ain't the United States in any recognizable form anymore.

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