Sunday, October 10, 2004

Only In America

South Knox Bubba touches on Bush's losing it at last Friday's debate, and compares lies told by the Bush administration to those of Martha Stewart.

When he lost his cool and jumped up to respond out of turn, we got to see Bush's personality in a nutshell. The way he brushed the moderator aside and ignored the rules of the debate is how he operates in his personal and political life. It's how the GOP operates. Never ask permission, only forgiveness. The rules don't apply to Bush or the GOP. They are above the rules and better than you. That, and his temper which was on full display, are why we are in Iraq with no exit strategy.

I hope people were paying attention to Bush's tantrum. I was shocked that the media talking wobbly-bobble heads were saying how tough it made him seem, and besides, he is after all the commander in chief so how dare Charlie Gibson try to shut him up.

Beyond that, I'm sure the media is proclaiming a big Bush win and talking about how he showed he's a down-to-earth guy and a man of the people. (I don't know for sure, because for some reason they don’t have cable or wi-fi on this cheap flight).

What they probably aren't talking about is the incredible (literally) stream of lies and distortions Bush spewed all over the stage. Unbelievable. The scare lies he told about Kerry's health care plan were beyond the pale even for Bush and the GOP.

But only in America can a harmless homemaker/cooking show host be cooling her jets in Federal prison for fibbing about a crime she did not commit and was never charged with while the President of the United States can stand before the people and lie about the economy, taxes, the deficit, and the reasons for taking us into a war that has cost the lives of over 1000 American soldiers, countless civilian lives, and hundreds of billions of dollars.

Only in America can Martha Stewart sit in prison while Ashcroft gets away with shredding the Constitution and Rumsfeld presides over the torture and murder of prisoners of war in violation of international law while Bush pats them on the back for a job well done and nearly half the people in America agree and think this crew ought to be allowed to stay in the White House instead of being sent to jail. Go figure.

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