Friday, October 22, 2004

A Letter From W

From a diary at DailyKos...

"Hello. My name is George Bush and I am President of the United States for no reason other than dumb luck and a slanted verdict by the Supreme Court. I am running for re-election, although in actuality, I have no business leading this great nation.

I never accomplished much of anything in my adult life. I was a drunk, a louse, and an irresponsible person. Lucky for me, however, that I come from a rich and powerful family. Boy has that helped! I've used my family's name so much I've had to get handlebars for the coat-tails I've ridden on for my entire life. That is how I ended up in an Ivy league school - but, I never quite made a splash in anything - well, unless you count being one of the biggest dullards and drunks ever to walk the halls! That's OK, though, because Dad has always been there to pull me out of my stupors and my failures. Wow, have I kept him busy through the years!

When it came time to serve my country, I hid like a little schoolgirl and had my dad pull strings with his rich and powerful friends so that I would remain safe here at home, while others like John Kerry were put in harm's way. I continued my irresponsible behavior after "serving" ha-ha, then crumbled a few companies that my dad handed to me. With nothing else to do, and with a rich and powerful name behind me, I became governor, and through an unbelievable string of happenstance, good luck, and behing-the-scenes politics, I have become the leader of the free world. With all of this dumb luck, I should have been playing the lottery or spending my stupors in Vegas! How does one person get so lucky!

Oh, and one other a grown man, before becoming Governor, my marriage and career were crumbling. So, I did what other losers often do in life...yep! I found Jesus!! Lucky for me, I can now count on Him to help me with all of my decision making. That includes shoving my religion down other people's throats, invading countries, declaring war, and just general stuff like making sure that anyone who wants one can get an assault weapon. Nothing says love thy neighbor like a loaded weapon, right Jesus?

Well, I better go. There's a village that's missing an idiot in Texas.


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