Monday, September 13, 2004

Kerry Slogan

I was thinking this weekend that Kerry should make note that Bush is running a "We'll do better next time" campaign.

Over at The New Republic, Noam Scheiber suggests:

A WINNING KERRY SLOGAN: Here's John Kerry on the administration's North Korea policy in today's New York Times:

"I think that this is one of the most serious failures and challenges to the security of the United States, and it really underscores the way in which George Bush talks the game but doesn't deliver," he said.

I think Kerry's on to something with "George Bush talks the game but doesn't deliver." It's certainly better as a slogan than "W. stands for wrong." Not that the second line isn't apt. But the first one has the advantage of placing the burden of proof on Bush--what, exactly, have all of his wars and tax cuts gotten us, besides a big fat insurgency in Iraq and a big fat deficit at home, not too mention a big fat nuclear-armed North Korea? It also nicely captures the difference between Bush's rhetoric and his disastrous results. The second line puts more of a burden on Kerry to explain how Bush has screwed up, which is not something Kerry's proven especially good at.

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