Friday, September 17, 2004

Congress' Priorities

Jay Inslee is a U.S. Congressman from the state of Washington. This is from his blog...

On the day that the assault weapons ban will expire, the legislative agenda is a poster child for what is wrong with the current leadership. On the agenda:

1) Changing the name of a post office
2) Changing the name [of] the Veterans Affairs building
3) Recognizing Bill Clinton’s birthday (an acute irony in that they are letting his legislation expire)
4) Changing the boundaries on some national parks.

On a day when all of our streets are about to become less safe, the republican leadership is changing the names of our buildings. How fitting….

That was from Monday... this is Tuesday's post...

A mere day after the Republican-led congress allowed the assault weapons ban to expire, House Republicans are now pushing a bill that will essentially eliminate every gun control law in the nation's capitol.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Mark Edward Souder (R-Ind.) would end a ban on handguns, remove a prohibition against semiautomatic weapons; lift registration requirements for ammunition and other firearms; and cancel criminal penalties for possessing unregistered firearms and carrying a handgun in one's home or workplace.

In a twist of bitter irony unnoticed by no one, the Republican leadership has promised a vote on this legislation before Nov 2.

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