Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hometown Yay-hoos

I had to chuckle at a recent letter to the editor in my hometown newspaper that cast former Vice-President Al Gore as a political opportunist. This in the era of a miserable failure of a president who has done nothing (as in "not one thing") to improve the quality of life for people in this country since having taken office, but who has spouted out "9/11" at every opportunity.

There are over 2500 dead American soldiers (over 18,000 wounded) and over 50,000 dead Iraqi people because of George W. Bush's political opportunism, and this nation is not one iota safer than it was on September 11, 2001.

I'd say that unless you're employed by Halliburton or one of the oil companies, life in these United States is much like having a front row seat around the rim of a gigantic toilet bowl.

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