Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ann Coulter: Whore

Yeah... so in my second straight post, I've sunk to namecalling.

In light of the Coulter's latest publicity shenanigans, I've thought about what it is that would drive a person to say such stupid, hurtful, mindless things, and, of course, I can only come up with one reason: She'd do anything to publicize a book that appears to be a model of plagiarism; a book that likely has no real substance to it if any of her media appearances are an indication. Coulter the whore is simply scoring big on the "liberal is bad" wave. That's all, really, that she has to say... isn't it? And for whatever reason, she has a built-in constituency of buyers who apparently don't seem to care (or, more likely, don't have the brains to realize) that this nation was founded by liberals, and that our Constitution is a liberal document.

But, of course, that's of little to concern to the whore and her johns, because it's all about selling — and paying for — what amounts to one big circle jerk.

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