Tuesday, January 31, 2006

$40,000 For Your Children

I received a phone call today and my caller ID told me it was from the "US GOVT"... so, I naturally let it kick to voicemail...

When I retrieved the message, I discovered that it was from a U.S. Army recruiter offering a $40,000 cash bonus to (ahem) my 18-year-old daughter. I'd bet that sounds like a pretty attractive offer to most teenagers!

What a pathetic excuse for a Commander-In-Chief the miserable failure is! He decimates his millitary by sending it ("it"... as if there were no actual human beings involved!) off to fight a ridiculous war in the same of [pick this week's reason]. Frankly, I'm this close [imagine fingers only centimeters apart] to putting my stamp of approval on a military coup at this point. I have no doubt that this debacle is going to leave the Reserves in shambles for years to come, as people who might have thought they were volunteering to protect this nation, found themselves fighting in Iraq in W's Folly.

George W. Bush is a pathetic, lying murderer masquerading as some sort of freedom fighter. He condemns the militaristic attempts by Hamas as terrorism (after all, they are seeking freedom, too, aren't they), yet uses the very tactics he claims to despise. He is as two-faced as the day is long. He doesn't espouse diplomacy, as he would like us to believe — we wouldn't be in this mess if he did. (Please recall that Saddam Hussein attempted to avert the war the day before it became reality.)

And now, he wants to send my daughter off to have herself blown to bits.

And it will cost him little more than $40,000 and some camo!

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