Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tour Eiffel Avec Feuilles et Papier

From my first trip to Eiffel...

For a half-hour or so, I sat on a bench not too bar from here, perusing my travel guide, watching a couple making out an a bench across from me, and hoping that the kids who were kicking a soccer ball (in a play area behind me) didn't use my head as a goalie! I was still fairly exhausted from the flight in and nodded off on several occasions.

I got up and headed towards this green area — Parc du Champ-de-Mars — to begin considering how I would photograph the tower. I happened upon a man and a woman — he was struggling with his camera, trying to set it up on a small post in order to take their picture in front of Eiffel, so, I offered to help. They spoke Spanish, so I assumed that they were from Spain, although I didn't ask. I went to bended knee with the camera as low to the ground as I could get it (and still see the LCD panel) and took a couple of frames for them. I didn't realize until afterwards, of course, that the ground was a bit soggy. It left a lovely wet spot on the knee of my jeans.


But onward I pressed... looking for "my shot" of the tower. I had made the very conscious decision earlier that my first shot of the tower was not going to be typical (and it wasn't). But at this point, I had to let the tourist in me take over a bit. After all, I'd come to Paris with the idea that I'd take loads of photographs... it wasn't going to kill me to be typical for a few minutes. Right? Naturally, it occurred to me to do a panoramic image, and as has been my custom of late, I shot from a very low angle, mingling with the leaves a bit.

It's not a great shot, and surely nothing that hasn't been done already, but I am posting this more as a reminder to myself to use my eyes just a little bit more as I look through the camera. If there is one thing that I have been working on this past year, it is the ability to see everything that the lens sees.

Like candy wrappers!

Best view of the paper is at the original size!

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