Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Every now and then, I blog a flickr image that isn't my own. This one, by helveticaneue, just knocked me out this morning.

It isn't the mere beauty of the woman that strikes me... it's taking in every aspect of the image and seeing how carefully constructed an image it is.

Note the lines: the inside of her upper arm; her cheek line; the imaginary line that runs through her eyes — they all converge at the water line. The line at the top of her breast forms a virtual right-angle with her (right) jaw line, then another right-angle with the line of the bath water. Follow that line and it leads you to her eyes.

Follow any line and eventually it will lead you back to her eyes! They are the darkest areas of the image; they are easily the focal point of the image.

Many of the photographs at Flickr (and most of mine aren't exceptions) are snapshots or shots that are happened upon and recorded. Then there are those that are carefully composed, cropped and coloured (if not black-and-white) so as to create a pure work of art. This is a most ezquisite example. It's brilliantly executed — from conception to upload.

Bravo, helveticaneue!

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