Monday, July 04, 2005

Guilty Pleasure

Still image of Blanche Baker (left) and Debra Winger taken from the film French Postcards
French Postcards: Blanche Baker (left) and Debra Winger

This morning, I was reminded of an old (1979) film, French Postcards. Many years ago, I happened to see it on Cinemax and it has turned out to be one of my guilty pleasures. So I pulled out the VHS (!) copy I have of it and watched it again.

The film is about a group of American exchange students who travel to France for a year to study the language and French culture. It's a fairly innocuous, predictable film, really, but it has many humourous moments and a few poignant ones. It also has – as one of its recurring musical motifs – a song that one of the students (Alex, played by David Marshall Grant) writes and sings for his teacher (on whom he had a crush) early on in the film. I suppose it's more of a ditty really, but I've always liked its naïve sweetness and the lilting melody. It's probably a song that only a songwriter could love. Listen/watch

by John Kander / Fred Ebb

I hear a sigh from a bench in the square
And the sound of the sigh says a lover is there
Then I suddenly see
That the lover is me
And the thing of it is...


Paris... is a lady with a light in her eyes
A surprise kinda glow about her
Paris... is a teacher who has lessons to give
how to love, how to live
That there's so much to learn
That you toss and you turn about her

I hear a song down a cobblestone street
And I've never heard singing that sounded so sweet
Then a jolt in my spine
Says the music is mine
And the thing of it is...



Also notable about the film is that it's one of the earliest film appearances by Debra Winger (above right), who plays a bit role as the party-loving roommate of one of the main characters (Blanche Baker, above left), and Mandy Patinkin, who plays a sexist Iranian who Lora finds to take her to what she calls "The Festival". His favorite English phrase is "No problem!"

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