Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I have been thinking that there's got to be something that I can contribute to getting rid of the Bush administration... I have been considering producing a "Concert for Kerry" sometime this summer since producing concerts seems to have become my calling.

I need to think about this and consider a variety of musicians who might be interested in donating their services. For the concert to have any financial benefit, it would require virtually no performer fees, and (I hope) donated sound. A room big enough to hold 700 to 1000 people would be ideal, with ticket prices kept to a minimum so as to maximize attendance.

I talked to a local musician last night and she's up for it.

I feel as though the activist within me is trying to get out after too many years of being a good consumer-citizen.

I truly have had enough!

If you want to hear good common sense arguments for thinking for yourself and for searching out the real truths about Iraq and September 11, listen to Randi Rhodes at airamericaradio.com or therandirhodesshow.com. Al Franken's O'Franken Factor is also a great show for exposing the baloney that Bush and his neocons have been pulling for the last three-plus years.

Take a look at this video timeline of September 11, 2001. President Bush essentially allowed the events of the day to occur by his inaction. After being told by Andy Card about the second airplane's crash into the World Trade Center, he sat there. A very extensive timeline of Bush's activities that day can be found at the Center for Cooperative Research website.

If you'd like to know why we were attacked on September 11, just take a look at this 48-minute documentary. It's about the Carlyle Group, which is a private international investment firm which has amongst its board, former President George Bush, former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, former Secretary of State James Baker III, Britain's former Prime Minister John Major and others who have financial stakes in the Middle East -- particularly with regard to the role of the military industrial complex. Carlyle happens to own the Vinnell Corporation, which happens to train the Saudi Aradia militia which serves as a private security force for the Saudi royal family. Vinnell has been a target of Al Qaeda previously. The video explains it all. See also an interview with Dan Briody (who narrates the documentary), author of The Iron Triangle:Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group.


A recent link of interest involves the recently revealed tortures in Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq. It's the transcript of an interview with Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, the commander of the 800th military police brigade, who was in charge of the military prisons in Iraq.
